Voice to Temperature [Intangible Interaction]


Voice to Temperature Data

After many an hours struggle with the Status Code: -2 on the arduino I moved on from previous ideas and began playing with APIs in p5. First I attempted to make use of the MTA Bus Time API to create a program that controlled the colors of an LED strip in my room to signal to me how many stops away my bus was, but I learned shortly after that my bus route is not supported. I was able to get info from another line though which was cool to see. I then experimented with the MTA Subwa API to try and create a similar app for my train Line but for whatever reason all train lines returned a “forbidden” code in the API. I then attempted to play with some world time APIs to create a program which allowed used to get time data by speaking a city and country name but couldn’t get very comfortable with any of the APIs let alone combine them with p5 speech.

In the end I created this simple program which makes use of the weather API we worked with in class to allow a user to speak a city and state name and recieve temperature data (and simple color visualization) for that place.

Click here to test out the sketch

Looking Towards Open Call

Passion Keywords:

  1. Fluidity
  2. Play
  3. Education